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2022 Reflections

Top 5 Accomplishments:

· Marathon

· Releasing Mended

· Speaking at a conference

· So much quality time (trips, baseball, Friday rest nights)

· Better work-life balance

What did I do well?

· Kept up with laundry

· Work at the office

· Alone time with Andy

· Managed the family

· Read more books and started a book club

Game Changers (things that changed my priorities)

· The kids increased activities that gave us less time at home

· Andy buying 2 stores- stepped into office work- increased work load

· Watching family & friends go through hard things

3 Areas of Focus in 2022:

· Family time / Managing family schedules

· Promoting Mended

· Running a business

What I need to improve?

· Too many obligations

· Going to church

· Writing more/networking more

· People-pleasing

· Being more present (without my phone)

Biggest Lessons:

- “You can be the juiciest peach and there will still be people that don’t like peaches.”

Grateful For:

· Andy, Noah, Adella, Eden, Remi, Benny

· My friends esp. Alicia, Sara, Jada

· My aunt – Shelley- family

· Pretty weather

· Job

Hardest Thing about this year:

· Being vulnerable with sharing my story through book/speaking

· Surgery

· Family members health and worry

· Losing friends

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